
 We publish stylish, fun greeting cards, and supply design led greeting card shops and garden centres all over the UK


Hi! I'm Mabel Forsyth. Owner and designer at Pink Pig

 PINK PIG - the story so far.......

I've worked as a freelancer and also in-house for publishing companies, and I've created illustrations successfully for for clients worldwide (for rather a long time! )

Although I loved all my illustration work for clients, I felt it was time to do something purely for myself so here's my Pink Pig story so far!......

I started producing illustrations on cards, and gift products- hand printing/trimming all the cards and cello-wrapping with envelopes

I started selling everything at local craft fairs   (Nerve wracking, but FUN!)

It worked!.. (with a LOT of help from my brilliant family) Son, daughter, and hubby..thank you!xxxx

I found the greeting cards were my best selling products,and several shops approached me at the markets- so I decided selling cards to stockists was the way to go!

I started selling to shops with my first trade fair in Glasgow January 2014, and it was amazing!

Meeting and chatting to shop owners/discovering what they really wanted for their shops / taking lots of orders!

It was a total buzz, and I just felt, "yip! this is where I should be!"

Hubby Gordon Forsyth is now on board and is now our sales agent for Scotland.

That's Pink Pig's story so far and we'd love to have you on board!


If you'd like to stock bright happy cards that your customers will love,

do apply for a trade account so you can see all the cards on the website.


Do give us a call, or email , if you'd like more details, or would like a brochure, or cards sample

We'd love to hear from you!

Mabel 07583 088596

Gordon 07795 574548
